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Bible prophecy says that a false prophet known as "The Glutton" will make a false prophesy in the 20th century.

In 1997 Falwell said that the rapture will come in the next 10 years. On Jan 1st 2008 God will prove Falwell to be a false prophet because the world will not end by 2007.

Here is a list of Falwell's excuses on why the world did not end as he predicted:

Top 10 list :

1. Satan broke my Armageddon computer

2. I said 3007 not 2007

3. My staff gave me erroneous data.

4. The devil made me do it

5. God changed his mind

6. Don't question God's plan, he might be testing us.

7. I got mustard on my notes, and messed up my calculations

8. I blame the y3k bug

9. If you pray really hard you will see I am not wrong.

10. The devil made you question my prophecy.