Gary all the so-called preachers on TV are nothing but blood suckers, and this will shock you but, here goes! starting with the first and formost #1 Billy Graham,Oral Roberts,also his son-Oral-Jr,Jan & Paul Crouch,at TBN, and all that's on that Network, Benny Hinn, Fla,Rod Parsley,Cols,O. Robert shuller, California. The fraudlent workers are everywhere, not one of them represent the Lord of the Bible, or the Apostle Paul, They served others, these men do not, they are money suckers, and High rollers, and live off of the poor, tell me do any one of them live like our Lord, do any live like the Apostle paul, these are my Hero's there are no others on this planet, all of these men, that are blood suckers or not Representing the God of the universe, they are nothing but reprsentatives of the slanderer, Satan himself, Satan's ministers are ministers of light, for Satan is a messenger of Light, he and they misquote the scriptures all the time, my Bible say's be testing all things with God's Holy Word. Then you cannot go wrong, all these men and many more are false representatives of God.It is no hard task just study you Bible and you will see for yourself.
Sumner M.
PS. Gary, don't worry it will all turn out all right, for God is operating "All" according to the cousel of His will. (-not-wish-) Eph.1:11.
Nothng can catch God by suprise, we live and move and have our being in Him, He is in Charge of all the movements of Humanity! (-All-) All is the consequence of His decree! God is not running a Lotto for his creatures nothing is by Chance, or by accident, He - God say's He know's the end from the beginning, If such be the case, then He controls every step of the way to the end or His Goal to be achieved, which is to be "All" in "All" which He will! Read, the 15th chapter of Corinthians, and let it soak in!
Read:Romans.11:36. "All" is of God"!*****All is out of God, all is through God, and All is for God! EvenSatan Himself after he has served his purpose, Satan himself will be brought back to his creator. Col.1:20. read that also!
"All" is the Consequence of His decree!---Period.
It is He that sittith upon the circles of the earth, and the inhabitants there-of are but as grasshoppers! and that is us.
Remember; The Apostle Paul is the Apostle to the World, No other was in that class!
He alone gives us our marching orders, He it is , Christ gave the latter revelations too. The secrets hid from the foundation of the earth in God and now revealed to Paul in the third Heaven, where He spent 3yrs with his Lord, He saw and head things that he copuld not speak and was not allowed to, what he did say men don't believe anyway, anymore than they believed christ when He walked the earth, of course He did not speak the deep things of God like paul did! and-so-it-goes! and good night all!
While I am a card carrying Republican. I Salute your stand on the Idiot Falwell.
If that radical pursues a lawsuit against you, I hope that you will keep us informed so that I can rally my TRUE republican brothers to support you in your endeavor.
GREAT JOB Gary, It's the Falwells of this country that will be our downfall.
Rob Rastovich
I sincerely apologize beforehand to anyone who reads my article, if upon
reading it, your faith or belief in God is diminished. This is not my
intent. Its main purpose is to have open-minded people peruse the article
and offer feedback on whether our religious beliefs need to be brought up to
the 21st Century.
WE THE PEOPLE of this world hereby proclaim that forthwith we will use
common sense in deciding whether to live in peace or die for a cause that
history in the future shall wonder whether God was misunderstood by the
masses of a bygone era. We will ponder and find the answers to the
1. As Christians, Moslems, Jews and other denominations, should we still
today use the Torah, Koran, Bible and other quotes or writings by prophets
as a road map to God, or use these writings as references to a newer road
to God which is safer, wider and leads there directly ?
2. Is the God Of War who sought revenge, killed the masses through floods
and wars, who was the God of Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Muhammad, the same
God of today who wants all souls to co-exist in peace and tranquility for
eternity ?
3. Was the spiritual realm where God exists in another dimension ever
breached by a man named Jesus ? Was Jesus the son of God, or a prophet and
the son of a man and woman ?
4. Did God ever, and will he ever in the future, interfere with anything
that happens on this earth, or is God and the Devil being blamed for our
problems and bad decisions ?
5. Did the prophets of the past ever make contact with, talk to, and
receive spiritual revelations from God, or were their inspirations from God
possible misinterpretations ?
6. Do we, who are living in the 21st century, need to follow the teachings
of prophets who lived in the past, or can we be inspired, directly by God,
without intermediaries ?
7. Does the devil and other spirits exist or were they invented by man to
frighten people to believe that the devil would claim the soul of those who
did not believe in God ?
8. Did God always exist or did God possibly come into existence with the
first soul striving to merge and co-exist with other souls; combining their
knowledge and expanding their intelligence with the addition of each soul
into an eternal existence ?
9. Is our purpose for living to have our body and soul die, or to lead a
good productive life, expand our knowledge, help our fellow man, and upon
our physical death, to have our soul be received by God into an eternal
harmonious life through eternity.
Who Created God ?
God exists in a spiritual dimension and is a union of souls which was
created when the first reasoning entity ceased its existence in this
dimension and entered the spiritual realm. God's intelligence is ever
expanding and grows with the addition of each soul. Every soul is like a
separate cell or atom on earth which combines with other cells or atoms to
make up the existence of every living person, plant, animal and even the air
which sustains all life; so also do souls perform, either individually or
in unison. Any soul or spirit that is not with God can not exist, and dies.
God, also known as Allah, Yahweh, Lord, Supreme Being, Jehovah, etc., is a
spirit of peace. When the body dies, the deserving soul is received by God
into a peaceful co-existence with other souls for eternity. The souls of
Prophets, philosophers, holy men, our deceased relatives and even the
simplest souls who by their love of humanity and exemplary living, have
helped to shape the lives of others, will be there. Prophets of past who
claimed to have a personal contact with God, had been inspired by God,
thereby interpreting this ecstasy to the best of their ability; and applying
this wisdom to a time when it was believed that a holy man had to have
direct contact with God; today we know that interactions between dimensions
is not a reality. This God will not strike you dead with a lightning bolt or
condemn you to eternal hell fire and damnation if you do not follow the
teachings of your fathers or spiritual leaders, or pray to him constantly.
This was a war-like god. He was as necessary at that time as every king,
dictator, war lord, and tribal leader who fought and died by the sword. The
God of Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus and other Prophets, is the same as the
God of today. God will not interfere with anything that is done on earth.
Today, we can receive inspiration without intermediaries. Just as radio
frequencies are transmitted through space, requiring a transmitter and a
receiver, we can receive the blessings of God to guide our daily lives.
The destruction of civilizations, most sufferings and premature deaths are
due to our frailties, our stupidity or human imperfections, not God's or the
Devil's doings. The greatest fallacy is beliefs that split people, religions
and countries. Too many lives have been lost in an illogical attempt to
force our beliefs on others. Martyrs, who by their actions, cause the death
of others and cause another soul to die before that soul has had the
opportunity to obtain absolution from God, will not achieve their goals of
ultimately being with God.
Prayers are for our benefit, God does not need our prayers. We need to pray
for guidance to comprehend the purpose of our existence. Through prayers
and meditation, inspiration peace and tranquility can be received by our
spirit. Harmony with God requires the spirit to be at peace. Our prayers
should ask for inspiration and guidance from God to enlighten us and
transform our daily lives by being honest, humble, grateful, full of love
and good works. Churches, mosques, temples and gathering places help our
spirit to rejoice and come closer to the unity and peace of God.
A person afflicted by bodily sufferings can at times be closer to God than
one who is in daily turmoil and obsessed with acquiring and hoarding wealth
for himself, rather than sharing and making life bearable for the needy. Our
only purpose in life is to expand our knowledge and to strive for a peaceful
co-existence with an inspirational guidance from God; so as to co-exist
with our spiritual partners in harmony through eternity.
Our earth is just a miniscule place in the vast expanse of the universe.
God is the supreme intelligence that will guide us by inspiration; the
building of other life forms of this universe. Ecstasy cannot aptly
describe a soul's participation in this great undertaking. All our
questions will be answered because God is like the storage of all knowledge
that can be tapped by every soul and still operate in unison.
Drugs, alcohol or any substance which interferes with, or suppresses the
spirit and retards our clear thinking should be avoided. The spirit will
rejoice and grow stronger through our appreciation of the beauty of nature,
music, song and art. A stronger spirit is closer to God and inspirations
from God will guide and heal the mind and soul.
About The Author
My belief originated in 1956 when I was 15 years old. I had double pneumonia
and I thought that I would surely die. I was born in Lithuania in 1941 and
my family had to flee to Germany in 1945 when Russia occupied our homeland.
In 1950 we immigrated to America. When I became ill in 1956 my father took
me to a doctor who gave me a penicillin injection and recommended immediate
hospitalization. We had no medical insurance or money, so my father took me
home to recuperate. I remember the drive home vividly. Every breath was
extremely painful and my chest felt as though a great weight was upon it. I
watched cars and trucks drive by and I wondered how people could make long
term plans when life was so unpredictable. At home I read the bible every
waking moment and prayed to God to save my soul.
Several nights later, whether in a dream, by inspiration, fever induced
fantasy, or some unexplainable reason, I was in a place with a gathering of
spirits. I felt the greatest peace, tranquility and ecstasy. I felt a
rapture that was beyond a person's imagination. I felt as if I was a part of
God. I was mentally communicating and in sync with everyone; all the
prophets of the bible, many historical people whom I had read about, many
deceased acquaintances and relatives. There was no dominant force, no
forceful leader. I somehow knew who everyone was. Every thought was
interacted with the whole community. I had no questions; it seemed as if
everything was revealed and crystal clear. I saw the universe stretched out
before us like a vast expanse with spirits engaged in mental interaction
like master craftsmen contemplating the creation of a new frontier.
Kurt G. Kawohl
Reprinted with permission